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meNeighbour, the neighbourhood social network
meneighbour.com is a hyperlocal neighbourhood social network. A privacy-first advert-free all-age social network, where privacy is paramount.
meNeighbour is an absolutely free and private neighbourhood social network to help foster friendly, connected communities.
Different from other social media platforms
Unlike other social networks, which are primarily ad-ridden marketing platforms, meNeighbour is an advert-free all-age social network where privacy is given utmost respect.
With local news, community updates, socializing events, networking groups, and local business listings bound to a neighbourhood, the neighbour-oriented social network is designed to help foster healthy, friendly communities.
Family-friendly and child-friendly social media
In the current modern advertisement-driven social media, access to social media for an under-13 is a worry for many parents who concern about their children's safety and privacy. With the same security concern, as a parent of two under-13, the founder of the company designed the social networking platform to be child-friendly.
The account hierarchy system at meNeighbour ensures all required safety features, guidelines and policies are in place to protect underage users. Parents can monitor their children's activity on the network with instant updates. Plus parental permissions and controls let you safeguard your kids’ online activity, providing extra peace of mind. From individuals to neighbourhood watch groups to Parent Teacher Associations, you can rest assured that sensitive, personal information is protected.
Ad-free social networking platform
Yes, indeed. meNeighbour.com is an advert-free social networking platform where your social pages are completely ad-free and your social activity is not read by any third-party ad-engine.
User data is not shared or sold to any third-party providers, which protects you from data mining and unwanted ads.
Protected user privacy and information
meNeighbour.com does not collect user's birth date or any such primary elements of security information. To identify and connect with appropriate neighbourhood, only basic information of the user, such as age group, gender and locality/neighbourhood/city name, is collected as part of the registration. meNeighbour.com or its parent company JT TechnoSoft Inc, does not sell or share any user information to any third party.
A child user registration is associated with its parent user, so no other child specific information is collected.
Privacy-first user profiles, invisible and unfound in a search
meNeighbour.com is a privacy-first social network. You define your privacy settings and search radius of how your profile can be found to your neighbours and friends.
It is very important to set up your profile with your desired privacy settings as soon as you activate your account. Your incomplete profile will not be found/visible to your friends who are trying to connect with you.
Search radius could not be reduced
Once your search radius is increased and your social connections are established, it would be difficult to revert the settings. You can increase the search radius though.
Private groups and member profiles, visible to connected only
Yes, indeed. Private groups are only for the invited and member profiles are visible to connected/participating co-members only.
No ads, but how it helps a local business
Yes, indeed! meNeighbour is totally ad-free social networking platform. While meNeighbour is built to bring up the neighbours and community closer, it allows local businesses to connect with their neighbours, the prime customer base, in a friendly, healthy, neighbourly thriving-together manner. BizyGlobe.com is a local business directory platform and meNeighbour's sister site. The business directory platform provides a free no-third-party-ads-on-the-business page for every local business to promote with its business/service description, business hours, images and promotions in a wider view. BizyGlobe's integration with meNeighbour will allow the neighbourhood social network to pull the listed business's ad/promotion from the business directory platform and display in a user-intended pop-up window, thus promoting the local business to the customer base in a closer proximity. While meNeighbour's primary objective is to connect and foster friendly and healthy thriving neighbourhoods, the privacy-first neighbourhood social network does NOT display any unsolicited third-party ads on the social network.
It is only the Bizyglobe page-id what shared by the local business listed on meNeighbour pulling its business ad/promotion posted on the directory platform to the social network, but nothing else. No other information is shared. It is the best meNeighbour can help a thriving local business to promote in the neighbourhood at free of cost. meNeighbour is totally ad-free social networking platform, guaranteed.
Deleting or deactivating a user account
Yes, you can delete your user account on the neighbourhood network, while your neighbours and friends miss you leaving the social network. Just check on the 'Delete account' option in your Settings page, then your user account, including your posts, will be marked as 'Deleted' immediately and permanently deleted during the next cleansing job.